MOURNING PROJECT is an artistic response to a personal loss. When the Norwegian visual artist Grete Refsum lost her husband of 43 years in late 2017, she used artistic tools to handle the situation, expressing how she felt. The outcome exemplifies in sculpture and photographic work what a grieving process can look like. The work offers insight into how personal lamentation can be met constructively by creative means. Einladung/Invitation
The work consists of three sculptural objects titled: Seraf, Mourning Wall and Portal, and a photographic diary: 52 photos and 1 minute video taken every Sunday morning at 9 am, during the 3rd year of lamentation at Eastern Pier/Østre brygge, Brønnøya in Norway. Description handout
Eastern pier every Sunday morning 2020 (part 1 and 2).

Seraf (2018-2019)

Wing (2019)

Mourning wall (2019-2020)

Portal (2020)

Opening 30th September 2021: Gedenkstätte in der JVA, Wolfenbüttel (Tyskland).
Finissage 3rd October 2021

Photo: Tomke Blotevogel
Family contribution in 76. Befreiungstag, 2021, 11th April.